Praslin Bengals

Bengal stories

An inside look at our cattery, useful info and everything else that concerns our bengals




Which plants are toxic to cats

Which plants are toxic to cats

Spring is on its way. It is THE time of year when the flowers start blooming again, too. Still, we have to consider the environment the bengal wants to be in with this nice weather and what flowers are there. In fact, some flowers are toxic to our cats. And an...

Walking outside with your cat? No problem!

Walking outside with your cat? No problem!

You may have seen it once, people walking with their cats on a leash. Through the woods, on the beach, or just around the neighborhood, it's all possible! Walking outside with a cat is a great way to socialize and allows your mustachioed four-legged friend to explore...

Socialization in the first 12 weeks

Socialization in the first 12 weeks

At Praslin Bengals, we feel it is very important to pass on well-behaved kittens. We start with this from day 1. The kittens grow up in our living room. That's where we as a family are most of the time and so the kittens can also get used to new sounds. We start with...

Jingle Bengals

Jingle Bengals

Cats and Christmas trees, what a treat – especially for the bengal.

Let’s get started!

Let’s get started!

We have started our blog! Don’t you miss the kittens when they all move out? Yes and no…